Table of contents

Overview of the Improvement of Democratic System by Citizens

To better understand all of the following, I suggest you to see the Video 2.0 of the improvement of citizen democratic system.

General Operation Diagram for System Improvement

To facilitate the improvement of the system, one can imagine doing it in two stages. A, then B.
A) Citizens only intervene in the Decision-making Citizens Assemblies (DCA). Whether they are ad hoc, for a given project, or permanent. In addition the Referendums are also introduced.
B) This second part, brings citizens into the global process of true democracy.

To better understand this improvement system, read the diagram by following the points from 1 to 6.


There are two types of referendums. The one called “Optional” is the one you see in the diagram below. And the referendum that says “Mandatory” or “Automatic” does not require a request for a referendum, nor the collection of signatures.
If you are interested, you will find the conditions of the Mandatory Referendum in the Federal Constitution of the Swiss Confederation at Art 140 in French.

In the following diagram, everything is in green because it is new for all countries in the world, except for Switzerland.
For the latter, only the Citizens’ Body for State Control (CBSC) is new and also, but to a lesser extent, compared to the 6-month deadline.


Everything is in green because it is new for all countries in the world, except for Switzerland.
For the latter, only the Citizens’ Body for State Control (CBSC) is new and also compared to the 1 or 2-years deadline.
the delay can reach between 4 and 6 years! This is far too much and
difficult to sustain for the people created the initiative. When the
initiatives were created in 1893, the time frame was one year and there were no computers!!

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