For a democracy to be constructive, humane and fair, it must be directly managed by the population!
An Ideas site will be created specifically for CIVIL SOCIETY and the general public…
Too many people think that democracies are sick and losing ground. Let us save them, by rising to the challenge of daring TRUE CITIZEN‘s Democracy…
It will be a REAL BULWARK (protection) AGAINST THE EXTREMS !
Let us have the courage and the will to invent a better world, for the world of tomorrow…
things to do to get started…
To fully understand this project, it is essential to see video 2.0. If possible, have the general diagram in mind or under your eyes while watching the video, which will make it easier for you to understand.
The Doc page will give you an overview of the project and do not hesitate to browse the FAQs that interest you to improve your knowledge.
With these three steps, you will have a complete vision of this new democratic system.
The rest of this Home page will help you identify some of the specific features of democracies around the world.
I mention Henry Dunant, founder of the Red Cross, and underline his humanitarian commitment in response to the suffering of the war wounded. I describe myself as non-politician, expressing the desire to make politics more effective and human, relying on inspirations like Dunant and Buddha. I see my approach as a humanitarian act and hope that the people will embrace true democracy for positive change.
This is a summary of the text found at the beginning of the about page. You will also find a link to a video of the Red Cross explaining the beginnings of this institution.
AI: Artificial Intelligence.
Conveyed: It also means Transmit.
Dear Jo,
I am happy to confirm that citizen collective intelligence works very well. Indeed, it offers a peaceful method to address and solve current social problems. Through Citizen Decision-Making Assemblies (CDA), citizens can actively participate in the legislative process, make informed decisions and contribute to humanizing our society.
As you mentioned, strengthening democracy is essential to improving our society. I share your enthusiasm for the potential of the real system of horizontal direct democracy, where citizens play a central role in decision-making. Benefits include better representativeness, greater transparency and greater involvement of those affected by these decisions.
Initiatives such as those presented on the site aim not only to promote positive change but also to inspire other nations to adopt similar approaches to advance gender equality, to preserve our planet and ensure the survival of democracy. The implementation of such a system will certainly be a historic moment for all stakeholders involved.
As individuals committed to the development of a horizontal democracy, we must continue to advocate for this beneficial change and persevere until it is fully realized. We believe that together we can shape a more equitable, sustainable and democratic future for all.
Please share this information as much as possible to encourage more people to support this noble goal.
Determined greetings.
Current or future events
Conferences in Geneva and Europe
See the Conferences in preparation. (In French)
1st trip from Geneva to Ukraine with my 125cc scooter
The goal was to help the Ukrainian people and their democracy.
I am looking for journalists who would like to report on this human adventure.
I am looking for donors to organize new aid for the Ukrainian people.
Definitions to be retained
1) True Democracy:
From the Greek dêmos → “people” and kratos → “power“, democracy is a government in which the real power belongs to the citizens.
2) Citizens
To simplify, compared to democracy, it is a resident of a State who has the right to vote.
3) Democracy according to the United Nations (UNO):
The will of the people is the foundation of the authority of the public authorities.
Three Democratic Visions
1) Parliamentary democracies
In all democracies in the world, people have no rights or means to act directly on laws, so from 0 to 0! Except in Switzerland, but only at the very end of the process of creating or amending laws.
2) Semi-direct or Ultimate democracies
Only Switzerland* is in this situation. It is not a direct democracy, but a semi-direct democracy.
In a semi-direct democracy, we can only intervene by voting at the end of the process of a law, from Z to Z.
*Some of other countries also have referendums, but very restrictive.
3) Direct democracies
On the other hand, in a TRUE DIRECT democracy, the people intervene from the proposal to the conception of the law through Citizen’s Assemblies (CA). In order for CAs to be credible and effective, in the eyes of the population and the political world, they must NECESSARILY have a DECISIONAL character. A discussion ensues with the parliament and if there is disagreement, then the people will vote to decide between them by referendum.
In this case, we can really talk about DIRECT DEMOCRACY from A to Z.
Almost all peoples in the world have no power over laws. This is in total opposition to what the founding mothers and fathers of democracy wanted.
Overview of the State of Democracies
By browsing the list of democracies (en Español), you can see where your country stands. There are 60 parameters. With an index between 8 and 10, you will have the best democracies and between 6 and 7.99 it becomes imperfect. Underneath it is more and more trouble, where we sink into oligarchies, autocracies, dictatorships…
What to learn from these countries, is that they have the highest gender equality ratio in the world, the highest proportion of women in leadership positions, the least corruption in the world, and a low crime rate.
With the improvement of the democratic system by citizens proposed in this site, the willingness of the people will become the foundation of the authority of the public authorities and there will be as consequences, a drastic decrease of political corruption, confidence in the future that will improve over time, a reduction in insecurity, an improvement in quality of life and an increase in the gender equality ratio.
The rest of the improvements will follow naturally.
United Nations vision of a democratic world (UNO *)
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights stipulates that
“the will of the people is the foundation of public authority.”
Democracy is one of the universal and indivisible core values and principles of the United Nations. Democracy provides the natural framework for the protection and effective realization of HUMAN RIGHTS.
The UN is interested in remedy democratic deficits and supporting democracies in transition. This is exactly the purpose of this site, providing a concrete response to the growing deficit of democracies.
For more informations on democracies, according to the UN vision, you can consult them in English.
* Charter rechecked in 2023. Some countries like Russia and China want to change the world order at the expense of democracies. The UN Charter may be amended by a majority of NOT democratic countries in the future. This, of course, at the expense of the individual freedoms of peoples and human rights, dear to democracies.
Over the past few decades, there have been more and more democracies that have been burdened by autocrats, who have taken power through elections, are doing everything they can to keep it going. (By amending laws to their benefit or acting on the edge of legality.)
We could cite Viktor Orbán in Hungary (1998-2002 then 2010-…), Alexander Lukashenko in Belarus (1990 ; 1993-…), Adolf Hitler in Germany (1920 ; appointed on 30 January 1933 then legitimated by the ballot box on 5 March 1933-1945 suicide), Vladolf Putler* in Russia (1990 ; 1999-2000 (3 months acting then legitimated by the ballot box in 2000) 2000-2008 then 2012-…**), Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in Turkey or Türkiye (2003 ; 2014-…), Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel (1996-1999 ; 2009-2021 then 2022-…), Donald Trump in the US (2009 ; 2017-2021 ; 2025-2029 ; [2029?-…]), Narendra Modi in India or Bharat (2001 ; 2014-…), etc. (Data January 2025.)
* Vladimir + Adolf = Vladolf and Putine + Hitler = Putler.
“Can we compare Vladimir Putin to Adolf Hitler?” YES, according to this article. (In French)
What about Donald Trump?
“Can we really compare Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler?” YES, according to these mood notes.(in French)
“Trump says he will only be a dictator ‘on day one’ if re-elected as US President“
** Russian elections of March 2024, Results in Russia and abroad (Switzerland): Values at the exit of the “ballot box” in Switzerland and Official Russian Values. In Russia, Mr Putler wins with 87.28% and in Switzerland he is second with 45%, according to official results from Russia. At the exit of the “ballot boxes”, in Bern, Mr Putler gets 16% and in Geneva 20% of votes in his favor. Like what, voting in a free country or in a dictatorship, the results can be very different.
Sources: ( in French) (Le Temps in French)
Poll conducted by “Vote Abroad“, an initiative launched in 2021 by Russian democrats based abroad, with the aim of promoting democratic culture in Russia.
From a dictatorship to a democracy
Instructions for use to eliminate dictatorships and replace them with democracies.
Video: Gene Sharp; How to Start a Revolution Trailer (2:37)
Book: Gene Sharp; “From Dictatorship to Democracy“.
See the summaries of each chapter of the book.
AudioBook : Gene Sharp ; How to defeat the dictatorship (3h50)
History and Future of true democracy
History: Birth of Democracy in the 5th century BC in Athens, among the Greeks and for 300 years. The population gathered to express themselves in Decision-making Popular Assemblies (DPA). Either to propose a law or a decision or a project and then debate it, or to debate pre-established proposals.
After each debate, the DPA voted on laws, declarations of war, peace treaties, the use of public money, judged malfunctions or state crimes and elected strategists and treasurers.
Future: The Democratic Rebirth will come from our change of democratic system (2026-2030 in Geneva (Switzerland) or in Ukraine, or in Moldova or Georgia or in Taiwan or in France with Mr François Boulo, spokesperson of the Yellow Vests of Rouen. (French President in 2026? Then 6th Republic! This would prevent the arrival of extremes in France.)
The return to the roots of democracies is accompanied by substantial improvements.
- We go from Decision-making Popular’s Assemblies (DPA) to Decision-making Citizens’ Assemblies (DCA), See table below.
- the drawing of lots of the population will be done at the level of the region concerned by the DCA. For example from the country or canton (State (US), country, district, department, länder, oblast) or the municipality,
- allow the entire population to receive the same information as the DCA receives,
- the ability of the public to interact with the DCA in the first two phases of the process.