The Logo
For me, the little mermaid or siren represents purity, sincerity and kindness. Its qualities allow it to bring true democracy to the people so that they save our freedoms, our planet and take in hand the destiny of their respective countries.
My vision of a more Humanized Policy
Do you know Mr Henry Dunant? He is a Swiss businessman and humanist, founder of the Red Cross (1828-1910). He was not a soldier, but seeing all these wounded on the battlefield, he created a place to shelter and treat them with the help of the population. See “The Story of an Idea” until 3:30. It was purely humanitarian approach and not military. (Maybe he wanted to make the war a little more humane?) I am not a politician. But seeing citizens flouted by certain political decisions, too strongly influenced by ideology and lobbying, and considering that politics must be at the service of the population, I asked myself the following question..
What if we made politics more effective and our decisions more humane?
It is to answer positively, that I wanted to improve our democratic political systems.
For all these reasons, I see my approach as a humanitarian act and not a political one.
Even today, I still feel apolitical!
Is this an utopia?
Some people think that true democracy is an utopia. But wanting to create the red cross was already considered an utopia by many people. Same with Buddha* where the political and religious circles were very hostile to his teaching. Only the majority of the population understood the goods done and followed him. It is also my wish that the people realize the merits of true democracy for all. In the end, find people motivated enough to put it into practice.
* Buddhism emphasizes the Middle Way, through the practice of a life path that avoids extremes and promotes balance and harmony by practicing forgiveness with heart, justice and solidarity. These concepts are essential to achieving global harmony. Peace within or in the world is not achieved by rigid adherence to ideologies or material excess, but by a culture of understanding, compassion, kindness and respect for all living beings.
I try to feed myself with this philosophy of life, day after day, in order to improve myself…
Who am I? And why this site
I was born in Geneva and have lived there until now. Except for a break in Thailand from early 2008 to September 2011. You can really see it as the land of the thousand smiles… (Smiles that come from the heart.) A truly unforgettable experience.
This trip allowed me to discover Buddhism, not by theory or teaching, but by practice. To feel surrounded by people who “naturally” live in harmony with their surroundings, with themselves and nature, nourishes you mentally towards positivity…
My basic training is an electronics engineer and I only worked in R&D (Research and Development) for firmware programming. (Programming the µProcessors that control the motherboards. Their functions are to control all components on an electronic board. By analogy, a µProcessor is like a brain.)
I’ve never been interested in politics.
I had a very negative view of politicians.
It may seem paradoxical, but in reality it is not. Because it is this belief that gave me the impetus to act in order to improve the vision of politics vis-à-vis the population, as soon as I return from Thailand.
I happen to believe in Citizen’s Collective Intelligence (CCI) when they work together on a project. As is the case in associations. Or in China to catch up on their technological backwardness and even to overtake us.
Since my return from Thailand, I have begun to want to bring something to my beautiful country, the country of the International Red Cross. So, the idea came to me of wanting to improve the political system! That’s all it is ! At the time, it was more based on a participatory democracy. (Now I’m talking more about horizontal democracy.)
The arrival of the Yellow Vests (YV) in France provoked in me a revival, noting that I was one. This prompted me to draw inspiration from their claims in my quest of improving the political system in general. The great popular debate from the YV, not that of President Macron (France), pushed me to create a file of more than 60 pages, including the claims of the YV and responding with concrete solutions for each point. A bit like a concrete political program.
Finally, the idea of changing the political system came to me by listening to Miss Greta Thunberg at Cop24. Here is what I understood from his speech:
If the system can’t save the planet, then we must have to change the system.
From this was born the Change of Political System by the Citizens.
In Switzerland, I am more likely to communicate improvements regarding the system… because the Swiss people already vote several times a year on all subjects. (Citizen’s Referendums and Initiatives – CRI.)
In my opinion, the observation was clear: in all democracies in the world, people have no rights or means to act directly on laws. Except in Switzerland, where there is a semi-direct or ultimate democracy and which acts only at the very end of the process of creating or amending laws. Which amounts to talking about a democracy from Z to Z.
I therefore had to go further, towards a REAL DIRECT democracy, where the people would intervene from the proposal to the conception of the law through Citizens’ Assemblies CA. In order for them to be credible and effective, in the eyes of the population and the political world, they must NECESSARILY have a DECISIONAL character. In this case, we could really talk about DIRECT DEMOCRACY from A to Z.
Everyone knows that people have no power over laws and parliamentarians have not represented people for centuries and centuries. Well that’s what I wanted to remedy, by imagining a real democracy, where the population would become SOVEREIGN.
It’s up to you to go further by watching the video and browsing the documents.
I wish you all the best.
Helping the Ukrainian people and their democracy
I am looking for journalists who would like to recount this human adventure.